Saturday, October 23, 2010

Bloggin' Buddies Meet

I love blogging! I know I haven't been the best blogger lately, but I will hit my groove again. Blogging is my way of relaxing. It is also my scrapbook and journal for my family. The cool part of blogging that I did not expect, when I first started, is all the awesome blogs out there. However, It's not just the awesome blogs, but the inspiring people behind those blogs. I have some fantastic blog friends, and I had the chance recently to meet one in real life!

I was so excited to meet up with Kenlie from All the Weigh recently. She is so sweet, and I had a blast hanging out with her. Kenlie is from New York and has lost over 120 pounds. She is one dedicated and determined chick...I admire that in her. It was just like meeting a friend to catch up. It was so fun to actually get to meet one of my buddies!

After shopping at Pier 1 and Hobby Lobby we headed to Logan's for dinner. That was the best salmon I've had in a while...yummy!

After dinner, I had to teach Kenlie how to call the Hogs before we departed, and she got it! If you don't know what I'm talking about your missing out...right Kenz?

I loved meeting Kenz, and hopefully will be making and decorating some cookies together for the holidays! I'm off to watch the Razorbacks!




  1. How fun to meet a blogging buddy. Is she living in AR now? or just visiting? You look beautiful!!

  2. Wow, what a treat to hang out with Kenz! So cool that you taught her to call the hogs! Was she here in NWA?
    Love the photos.

  3. Sounds like an awesome fun night. I love meeting blogging friends IRL too. So fun.

  4. How fun! I just met a blogger friend in real life too! And it wasn't even planned, how cool is that?!

  5. How fun! I am in awe of how many wonderful people I have "met" through blogging! I have yet to meet up with anyone in person but I'm sure I will at some point! I feel like most of the blogs that I am drawn to are people living in either LA or AR - maybe it's a sign that I'm in the wrong area of the country :) I hope your week ahead is fabulous! xoxo, Kelly

  6. How fun! Id love to meet bloggy friends!

  7. That is awesome!

    I have read "All the Weigh" and she is so inspiring!

    Love the pictures!

  8. How fun. Sounds like a wonderful time. Someday soon we will get to meet in person as well, I hope!
    Have a great one!

  9. Awesome post! it sounds like so much fun to connect with some of your blog friends. I hope that happens to me at some moment of time.
    Blessings to you! LeAnn

  10. Awwww, how fun! I am so jealous of all these blog friend meet ups! Maybe someday :)


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