Sunday, October 31, 2010

Happy Halloween

The boys finally took their "perfect" pumpkins they found at the pumpkin patch and decided to draw a face and carve away. First, you have to make the ewwwww face while taking out the insides. Caden did not care for that part at all. He moved to a spoon pretty quick.

Ummm, Cameron eventually moved to the spoon too.

I cannot wait to try a new recipe for pumpkin seeds I found. Isn't that the cutest little pumpkin stem?

After carving pumpkins, we headed out to a Trunk or Treat at my sister's church.
The surgeon is enjoying his rare treat after a big day.

Who can resist this fireman all suited up?

Well I sure got a TREAT myself...

I was surprised and excited to run into two bloggin' buddies tonight. Pam at Cocomama and her sister Tammy at
The Williams Clan.
Loved running into you sweet girls!

I hope everyone has a safe &
Happy Halloween!


  1. Gotta love the slimy pumpkin inards!! ;) The boys look like they had a blast in their costumes. Thanks for always checking in with me even though I'm a horrible, no good, very bad blog poster and commenter. :) I would have loved to "run into" you at an event...too bad we live so far apart! Hope you had a great, safe, and FUN Halloween!

  2. Love the faces! I'm glad you had a happy halloween and got a special treat yourself.

  3. Wonderful costumes! I love the fireman head piece! Have a great week!

  4. Hello Friend! As a follower of the Living My Life on Purpose blog we would like to invite you to its new location.

    Please come visit us!

    We want to continue doing life together on purpose!

  5. How cute! It looks like they had a fabulous time!!

  6. What a fun surprise to run into blogging buddies!

    The costumes are great and those pumpkin pictures are classic.

    Blessings to you!

  7. Thanks :)
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  8. Looks like you all had a blast. The boys faces cleaning out the pumpkins are priceless. I agree I always like finding the different pumpkins, I say they have character. I did post the recipe for the pumpkin patch cake so you will have to check it out.
    Hope you have a great week.

  9. Loved the awesome pictures. I love seeing all the fun of carving pumpkins; which we don't do anymore due to no children around. Enjoy those moments!
    Blessings to you! LeAnn

  10. Sounds like you had a great Halloween! Love the pictures.

    I love that you met up with some blog friends. That is awesome! :)

  11. We ran out of time to carve pumpkins this year - such a busy month of October we had!!!

    Looks like fun was had by all!!



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