Thursday, May 13, 2010

Michael Rocks...He is the Calm One!

Remember the black eye?

I was panicking on the inside, apparently a little, okay a lot on the outside too. One of the dad's on Cameron's team said, "stay on the bleachers mom" a gentle tone. Last week Cameron was playing baseball on Tuesday night and got hit with a fast the eye. He definitely had his eye on the ball! When it happened, I saw he was hit, but I did not know where. He took off to first base and stopped about half way there. The coaches ran over to him. I was just hoping he wasn't hit in the head or wasn't going to pass out. Flash backs from his tree incident came flooding in as the adrenaline kicked in.

Michael was so calm as usual. Cameron went to the dugout and got some ice on his eye right away. Once again I wanted to run over there, but knew I better calm down first. I kept saying go Michael...go see about him. Finally, he did. The minute it took him to get up, felt like 10 minutes. Michael doesn't panic. I do. I love that he helps to calm me down.

Back to the tree incident. Cameron was watching me as he laid strapped down with a neck brace on and hands and feet tied down. I could not help but tear up looking at my child that I just about lost. Well, it was not helping Cameron. He would not take his eyes off of mine. Finally, my mom saw it too and made me go sit down. Well, Michael comes in calm and collected. He even got Cameron to smile and laugh a little. I love that about Michael!

Michael Rocks...He is the Calm One.


  1. Glad to hear he is ok...sounds like you and Michael are a great pair!

  2. Awwww, poor guy. I'm glad he's ok. What a cutie!


  3. I love that Jeremy is the collected one too. He rarely, if ever, over-reacts. Love those strong guys, and so glad he is alright!

  4. That's wonderful that Michael is the calm one. I'm not sure what will happen when our Benjamin gets hurt for the first time, I think both mom and dad will be crying. Maybe I'll surprise myself and be stronger than I think!

    So glad Cameron was ok and not seriously hurt! Boys and black eyes go together pretty well, I suppose.

    Have a fabulous weekend Rhonda! God bless!

  5. That sounds just like my husband. Thank God they are the calm, solid ones. So glad your baby was ok.

  6. I'm glad he was okay!
    And nice joke, "His eye was on the ball!" LOL


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