Thursday, August 20, 2009

S-C-H-O-O-L Time

Wow summer really flies when your having fun! I cannot believe yesterday was the official back to school day in our neck of the woods. In reality, it was the first time to go to school for my 'big' boy Caden. Caden was so excited about starting Kindergarten. An example of his excitement happened a few days before school started. Caden was getting a drink at the fridge while I was on the computer. He said, "Mom your gonna miss me in 3 days. Bye mom!" Then he has proceeded to tell me later that I will be lonely. Yesterday after I picked the boys up from school I told the boys I missed them. Caden pipes up and says, "see mom I told you that you would be lonely."
It sure was quiet coming home yesterday! Yes, a teared up on the way home. My baby is in school now! My oldest will start college Monday, and Cameron moved to a new building for 3rd grade! I decided though once I walked through the door, I would take advantage of my day and get a lot accomplished. Oh, and I would for sure enjoy the quiet!

Here is Mr. personality himself before school!

No turning back now! Nervous excitement building...

After our last hug, he just jumped right in and started building "things".

Stop growing up would ya?!

Cameron wouldn't admit he was nervous. My 3rd grader didn't even want mom to walk him in. I couldn't believe it! "It's the first day of school, that is what mom's do." Sigh....Finally after parking at the gym due to all the school traffic he decided he didn't want to get ran over and wanted me to walk him in. His backpack was so heavy I carried it for him. When he got to the door (out of sight of his classmates) he gave me my requested hug and marched right in. I called him to get his backpack, no response. He had tunnel vision and only one goal, to get to his desk. I finally caught up with him after his teacher tried to get his attention too. Hmmm, not nervous at all?

They both said they had a great day. However, it was not MY Caden who made a gun the first day of school out of those Lego type blocks and got a warning. Oh no, of course not!

My boys enjoying their after school snack!

Here's to a great school year!


  1. Aww!! Sweet little guys - I mean, big, big guys. I don't know how I'll react on Monday when I take my "big" guy in for his first day of kindergarten.

    Oh, and I can't believe your son got a warning for making a gun out of legos! It's not like it's real or anything...seriously.

  2. That is so cute. Does Caden go to all day Kindergarten or just 1/2 day?

    That would probably be my son too making guns out of Lego's. Boys love weapons. ha ha.

  3. Those are great back to school pics. Glad they are adapting so well!

  4. Awww sweet pics! So glad I still have one at home for a while, time goes by too fast

  5. Caden is such a cute kid. I loved the little story about mommy being lonely. I had to laugh at the gun story. Trey will probably do the same thing. I love the little signs in the back to school photos, that is a very good idea so you can always remember what grade they were in.
    Have a fabulous Thursday!

  6. That is so precious! My little one will start preschool next month. Sniff, sniff.

    I love the way you had cards for them to hold for their first day pics!

  7. Awwww, this is so sweet! They grow up so fast. Look how proud they are in their photos.

  8. NOOOO! I'm gonna bawl like a lunatic when my baby baby goes to kindergarten.

  9. Oh...such cute pictures Rhonda. What an exciting day! They are so cute. I'm glad they had a good time.

    I am dreading school starting for some reason. I took my son to the high school today for orientation. It made me so sad!


  10. Cute pictures. I love those signs you made. CUTE!
    HOpe you got lots done and glad that they had a great day.

  11. Very sweet day! My babies started K and Pre-K on Wednesday too. I now have my afternoons completely free! Ah!

  12. Aww...what cuties! I loved our first 3 days... I thought I wasn't ready for school to start again, but I sure did enjoy the day free of fighting!

  13. So sweet! Loved your recap of the first day for the boys. I'm sure it was a tough day for momma. I bet my time will be coming way too soon when the kids will be in school. Time goes by way too fast!!


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