Friday, August 14, 2009

Funny Friday!

I know this video has been floating around facebook and even on T.V. this past month or so. I decided that for those of you have not seen it, or for those of you who want to laugh and smile today...take a look! I could watch this over and over...oh, and I have. It is that good!

You will not be able to keep a straight face on this one...promise!


  1. Yes, that video was awesome. So unique. I loved all the dancing and the glasses. so funny.

  2. My friend was just talking about this video yesterday. Too cute!!!

  3. Hello my friend! That video is so great! Put a smile on my face. I hope things are going great this week. Did you have a nice anniversary? My house guests are gone for the summer. I have been a slacker this week on commenting on blogs. Too busy. But now I am getting back into my routine. I'm going to try to get my kids ready for school this coming week. When do yours start? I hope you have a fun weekend. I have been working on my garage remodel. I am glad to be almost done with it. Hopefully tomorrow will be the last day.

    Have a super Saturday!!!


  4. That is a cute video. I think my parents and grandparents would have fainted. lol

  5. Funny video, I have watched it several times.

  6. I had seen it around and not watched it. Glad I took the time today. Very fun!

  7. We spent one morning at work all watching this from our computers. I love it. It reminds me that I let people talk me out of things for my wedding, like playing "We are Family" as the song after we were introduced as Mr and Mrs. :(
    I will let Coco do whatever she wants and I am glad this couple did to......

  8. How funny! Very non traditional. Looks like they had fun. Thanks for sharing.

  9. That video was so cute and funny. I don't know that I would have the nerve to do something that wacky but it was fun to watch!

  10. I totally love this video. We say we are going to have to do this when my brother gets married. But first we have to find him a woman.
    I also made the muddie buddies the other day for the lake, it was a huge hit.
    Have a great day!

  11. Love this video!! Wish I had been this creative when I got married!!

    Are you getting excited for back to school??


  12. My husband is obsessed with this video! I think it's the first video he's ever "favorited" on Youtube!

  13. I love it. It reminds me that I let people talk me out of things for my wedding.



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