Friday, July 17, 2009

A Special Day

Today is a special day for a special boy! I cannot believe my Cameron turns 8 today! I can remember the day you were born like it was yesterday. You took a while before you were ready to enter the world. Look at you know! You are an intelligent, funny, athletic, compassionate, sensitive, and lovable boy.

~*~Happy Birthday Cameron~*~

Mom getting to hold you for the first time. Four hours after the delivery!
1 day old

3 months old....peace!


Cameron's first birthday...first cake! He likes it!
~2002~ 1 year old

Christmas time!

~2002~ Age 1

We took Cameron to a big brother class to learn all about babies and how to hold one. He did great! What a big boy!

~2003~ Age 2

Cameron got into mom's lipstick! Oops!
Maybe my blue eyes and smile will get me out of this mess! Oh the 3's!

~2004~ Age 3

Getting ready for his 4th birthday. Can you guess the theme of the party?

~2005~ Age 4
(actually 4 days until 4)

It's time for Kindergarten!! My Cam is growing up! He was so brave!

~2006~ Age 5

Kindergarten graduation! We are so PROUD!

~2007~ Age 5

Cameron's 6th birthday! We celebrated with a camping party!

~2007~ Age 6

End of school... fun and field day!
~2008~Age 6

Cameron is my health conscience boy! Look out Richard Simmons!

~2009~ Age 7

You love to "shave" and put on dad's "smell good."
~2009~ Age 7

Today you turn 8!
8 is GREAT!

Happy Birthday Cam!

We love you!!!


  1. Happy Birthday Cameron! How fun. Model will be 8 in November. what a fun time! Enjoy your day!
    Loved all the pictures. Stunt Man had a dino party for his 4th bday too. Cute!

  2. Happy Birthday to your little man cute pictures!

  3. Happy birthday Cameron! What a sweet boy. Doesn't the time just fly by? I hope you guys have a wonderful day!

    Thank you so much for the link that you left me for my project disaster! You are such a sweet friend! I *heart* you!


  4. Happy Birthday Cameron.
    I love all of the photos. My favorite was the blue eyes and lipstick.
    You guys have a very sweet boy.
    Hope you all have a great day!

  5. awww Happy Birthday to your big little boy!

  6. Happy Birthday Cameron! I love all those pictures - and what blue eyes he has! My oldest turns 8 in October - how is that possible?


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