Kasey at All That is Good is the creator of Friend Makin' Monday. I appreciate her starting this because I have met some awesome friends! However, this week the adorable Amber is the host of FMM. She wants us to list 5 toys that remind us of our childhood. Thanks Amber for a fun memory!
Do you dig my cow lick? That's okay...I paid the cows back and licked their salt block...oh yeah!
Name 5 toys that remind you of your childhood:
Pick-Up Sticks

Maybe I need to play this again...concentration a must!
Cabbage Patch
I loved this gift! I got to adopt a baby!
Marble Game
My Dad made us a board like this. Brings back good family memories!
We use to turn our barrel on it side, get on top, walk on the barrel, and try to make it to the other side of the yard. So, much fun!! Oh yeah...I learned I could NOT fly from this "toy" too.
Do you remember my boys and the barrel? You can check it out

This toy reminds me of going to my Grandma Miller's house. More great memories!
Wanna see more classic toys? Head on over to Amber's!
What is your favorite childhood toy??
Hello my friend! Good list. I used to love Pick Up Sticks - that was a fun one! And isn't it amazing what kids will turn into a toy? I swear a box is just as much for for a kid as an expensive toy.
I had a hard time coming up with mine because we spent most of our childhood outside roaming around.
I hope things are going well for you!
cabbage patch kids were the best!
i loved hearing about your do-it-yourself toy ~ those are the best! i can just see you as a child balancing on that barrel! :o)
have a wonderful day!
Oh Rhonda, I spent many days on the floor in the kitchen playing jacks...how could I have forgotten. It was the best! And I LOVED getting my 64 count crayons WITH the sharpener...classic times.
Drink too much coffee to be any good at all as far as pick-up sticks, but that barrel sounds like so much fun.
Thanks for stopping by!
I love that you put a barrel on your list! We had a tire that was in the garden of my Grandparents' house...and we loved rolling around in that thing :)
Hey Rhonda!
I love your list. I LOVED jacks, my cousin and I would spend hours playing them on the hardwood floor!
Also, wanted you to know that when you click on the link from Amber's page it links to your last weeks FMM post.
Oooo, jacks! I loved playing jacks! We would play it at my grandmas all the time....
I loved pick-up sticks too...you really had to concentrate on that game. I wonder if my kids would have the patience for it now....
Have a super week!
I loved Pick Up Sticks and had totally forgotten about that game! Great Times :)
I loved the pick up sticks! A definite staple of family game night!
I was going to put jacks but I had forgotten about pick up sticks. Fun list and I love that you put your old pic up!
I enjoyed hearing about the barrels. You were brave.
Pick up sticks was a fun one at our house too! Great list!
xoxo ~Lisa
Great list! It's so fun to see what everyone remembers playing with, and some of the things you forgot about are brought back to memory. I love it that you played with a barrel! That's awesome...it shows you had an imagination. Pick Up Sticks were so fun! My little boy has started being interested in old classic toys like jacks and marbles...I'm having fun teaching him how to play some of the things I used to play.
Great list!
Hope you have a wonderful day!
How much do I love the barrel?! I was more of a forts kind of girl, rough and tumble than a girly girl so this barrel is right up my ally!
Loved the barrel! Like you said...who says it has to be bought in a toy store! Your header picture is fabulous btw...have a great Monday!
Thanks for visiting my blog! I still enjoy Pick Up Sticks, today!! So fun!
Great job. You were so cute. Love the hair. Way better than any of my school pics.
I remember all those toys. I loved me some barbies...and my girls never played with them. Strange.
pick up sticks were so much fun! i didn't even think of those until I read that.
GREAT list!!! i love your picture.
Great list. I loved Pick Up Sticks and Cabbage Patch Kids. I never did get into Jacks though. I still don't know how they work.
I could not play jacks, wasn't fast enough or something, so we just spun the jacks. My kids love pick up sticks now, we play often!
Great list! Have a wonderful night!
Thanks for stopping by! I love meeting new ladies from Arkansas. I used to have a cabbage patch kid. I remember she had red hair and I really wanted the blond haired one. Funny what we remember! Kristen
There is a new (at least new to me) marble game that my son and his friends have taught us to play. It's called Joker. So far the only Joker boards I have found have been on eBay. One of my youngest son's friends even made his own.
That marble game was good stuff...I think my Grandpa used to call it (or something like it) Chinese Checkers.
I wonder if I still have that thing!?
Great list!
Lins @ goodbyemartha.blogspot.com
How fun I love Cabbage Patch kids so much we live very near the Cabbage Patch Kid Hospital it is very neat.
Cute picture of you!
I was also a huge cabbage patch fan. My mom even made clothes for them that matched my clothes. Lucky for me my mother still has all of my cabbage patch dolls.
I also love the marble game. That board looks like the aggravation board game that we played with my grandparents. This year they even gave me the old aggravation board that we use to play on.
Thanks for sharing these great games.
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