Friday, April 10, 2009

8 is GR8T!

Shawn from Seriously tagged me for this fun meme.

8 is GR8T!

8 Things I Am looking Forward To:
1. For the weather to be nice enough to plant my garden. And stay that way!

2. For me to lose weight and get fit.

3. For my DH to start sleeping better!

4. Our 10 year Anniversary this August.

5. Summer break. I love summers! I love being home with my boys and look forward to having lots of fun with them.

6. The Lord to reveal His plan for me this year regarding going back to teaching or not.

7. To become debt free.

8. Building our dream home.

8 Things I Did Yesterday:

1. Finished putting up all the spring/summer clothes.

2. Prepared to go to Devil's Den.

3. Took Cameron to school (30 minutes round trip),and picked him up.

4. Thought about exercising.

5. Finished Spring cleaning the master bedroom.

6. Danced with the boys to my Grease CD.

7. Enjoyed spending time with my 18 year old!

8. Went to bed with my hubby. (Sometimes I stay up later than him.)

8 Things I Wish I Could Do:
1. Sing really good.

2. Keep my house clean all the time.

3. Lose weight effortlessly.

4. Never be late to church.

5. Get a massage once a week.

6. Swim with dolphins.

7. Go to Hawaii.

8. Take dance classes.

8 Shows I Watch:
1. Biggest Loser

2. Jon & Kate + 8

3. Dancing With the Stars

4. Food Network: Paula Deen

5. HGTV: Divine Design

6. American Idol

7. Food Network: Rachel Ray

8. Food Network: Ace of Cakes

I honestly don't watch much TV since I started blogging. These were some of my past favorites. Right now I only watch Biggest Loser.

I know two posts in one day. I'm exhausted! So, if you want to play please consider this your
official're it!

Good Night!


  1. Hi Roanda, thank you for visit and for following my blog. Happy Easter! :)

  2. Great lists! I quite liked this tag! A little nicer than the other one...huh!?!

    Hope your Easter weekend is awesome!


  3. Great lists for sure. I was nodding my head in agreement with many of the things you listed. Being late for church...that is so me, almost every week. Yikes.

  4. Great lists my friend! How is it possible that you have a 18 year old?? I think I knew that, but it's amazing!

    And I am late for church like every single week! Ugghh. I just can't get there in time!

    Have a wonderful Saturday!


  5. Rhonda..
    Thanks for stopping by .. and for the beautiful comment. Best wishes on your Easter play. I hope you share photos. Have a Blessed Easter Sunday.. He IS Risen!

  6. Thanks for playing, I love your list!

    I really love "thought about exercising" ! You're so real, that's why I love you!

    Have a great Easter...HE Has Risen!

  7. i've been tagged and will be answering soon!

    thanks for the sweet comment about princess and her pen issues. she's in the 3rd grade. i understand where the teacher is coming from - she doesn't want a paper that is full of cross-outs and ink smudges. she has cut princess some slack, given princess's sensitive spirit.

  8. Rhonda, Loved reading all of your "eights". I will pray that God gives you some sort of answer about the teaching thing.

    Hope you have a wonderful Easter Sunday! Blessings to you and your family!

  9. Loved your eight list. I could agree with most everything on your list. I guess that is why I enjoy reading your blog so much, we have so much in common. I am so with you on losing weight. This is the first year that I have gained weight and it is killing me. I guess it comes with age. I hope that you had a wonderful day!

  10. Loved reading your answers! Wasn't this such a fun tag?

    I watch so much T.V. these days, because I watch a different show every night while I walk on the treadmill!


  11. Hi, Now I remember, I actually saw it and thought I'd left you a comment. I remember you putting up the spring and summer mind is leaving me....sorry.

  12. mind sure is leaving me, again..yes I did this one awhile back too.


I love your comments! Thanks for taking the time to leave them here! :D