Friday, April 10, 2009

I've Been Tagged...Keeping it Real!

Here are the rules:
Take a picture of yourself right now.
No primping or preparing.
Just snap a picture.
Load the picture onto your blog.
Tag some people to play.

I have to say... I haven't checked out blogs this week until now. I saw where Tanielle tagged me. When I finally saw what it was all about I was like...oh crud! That's exactly how I look! Yes, I showered and put on make-up this morning! (I know you can't tell). I just got home from Devil's Den State Park. My DH takes a field trip there every year with his AP students. Cameron gets to skip school and go with Dad every year too! I get to prepare no-bake cookies and grill for about 30 people every year. That is where I was all day! The smoke from the grill always makes my eyes red! It was drizzling and cold too! I am exhausted!

I would have to check my blog today! Ugh! So, tempting to go primp first! Keeping it real for you! So here it is....

Thanks Tanielle! (a little sarcastic...but I still like ya!) She looks absolutely adorable in HER picture!

I don't know who has already been tagged. I tag:






  1. You still look cute! I looked like a nightmare! This tag was definitely cooked up by someone who looks glam and gorge all the time!


  2. And look at you you're still adorable! Thanks for playing along! It was kind of fun!?

    Have a great night!


  3. You're a real Mom and a beautiful on at that.

    I'm not so sure I would have been out doing what you were dong all day. God so knew what he was doing when he gave me girls!

  4. Don't you just "love" this tag! ;) I was trying to be nice to you, but I guess someone else got you!


I love your comments! Thanks for taking the time to leave them here! :D