I'm thankful for the nice weather we have had all week. 70-80 degrees...lovely!
I'm thankful for my husband who is tilling more of the garden as I type.
More seeds going in tomorrow!
I'm thankful for precious moments in the day that make all the negative rush away!
Here is an example of a precious moment from today!
The front of the card says,"Momy warms are body...I LOVE MY MOM!
I'm thankful for a forgiving, loving, awesome God we have!
I'm thankful for all my blogging friends. Thanks for making me smile, laugh, and grow. You inspire me. Thank you!
I'm thankful for my family. I'm thankful for those who knew my dad and stepped up to leave a comment on my 'Priceless Coin' post with great memories I will cherish!

When life gives you lemons....make lemonade!
So there are a few rules to this award:
1.Put the logo on your blog or post
2. Nominate at least 10 blogs that show an attitude of gratitude
3. Link to your nominees within your post
4.Comment on their blogs to let them know they've received this award
5.Share the love and link to this post and the person who nominated you for the award.
Tell us how you've come to have an attitude of gratitude.
Many of you may have received this award already (I checked), but I am so honored and grateful to give and receive this wonderful award!
- Casey at country kid at heart
- Dallas at Testosterone Life As I Know It
- Amber at {ae filkins}
- Molly at Country Memories Home Place
- Heidi at Blue Eyed Blessings
- Jenny Kate at Jenny Kate's Spot
- Carrie at Carrie's Little World
- Pam at Cocomama
- Debbie at Jadehollow
- The Smiths
What are you grateful for? Let's all be grateful for our family, and spend some quality time together this weekend! Have a blessed weekend!
Thank you SO much for the award! You are so sweet!
And can I just say, that you have totally blessed my heart by posting about that Kari Jobe. I LOVE that song. I haven't heard it in a couple months {I was listening to this song constantly, along with a bunch of other great worship songs, after the miscarriage}. My soul is so flooded.
Thank you for sharing that!! I'm listening to it right now, along with the rest of my family, hanging out, coloring, playing, being on the computer together. :)
Have a great weekend!!
Rhonda, I am so honored to recieve this award. I will be doing a post on my blog Hopeful Sunday evening. I am in bed with pneumonia right now. I haven't felt this bad in a while. I have tried to stay down and most of my post where scheduled ahead of time when I was feeling better. I just took my breathing treatment and cried awhile knowing I had to cancel my Chruch retreat trip to Branson for Sunday evening. But God knows best and I'm sure it is for a reason. I checked my emails and found your sweet award and just had to thank you for it.
Hi Rhonda!
What great things to be grateful for! That card is the sweetest. Being a mom is just the most amazing thing!
I am so grateful to know you. Thank you for always bringing my spirits up and inspiring me! And good luck this weekend working on your garden. I am also working on mine tomorrow. I am very excited!
Congrats. What a beautiful post and such a thankful heart. I love that note. Those little things just make my heart so melt.
i love getting cards/letters like that from my kiddies. so precious!
Oh thank you so much Rhonda this really made my day!
Have a great Saturday!
Thank you so much for this great award.. I'm truely honored that you thought of me. I will post mine late Sunday evening.. when I have a lil "Me" time lol. Enjoy the rest of your weekend!
God Bless,
I have posted my award, again thank you for the sweet honor.
Girl, you so deserve this award. I totally enjoy reading your blog. No matter if you are giving a healthy green shake, sweet posts about family or yard sale finds I learn something from all of them. Thanks for being such a great blogging buddy!
Rhonda, Thanks for the award! I feel honored that you would think this of me. Hope you had a wonderful weekend and are doing well!
Awe! Thanks for the award!
I am thankful for great blogging buddies! ☺
I love all the things you're thankful for, especially your wonderful card w/ heart-felt words! That was sooooo sweet!
I'll repost the award soon!
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