It's that time and Kasey is back with another FMM. Go Here to learn more about FMM and to get the rules for each week's tasks. Our task for this week is to honestly answer the following questions:
What is your blogger name? Rhonda
When is your birthday? Feb. 3rd
How long have you been blogging? Nov. 8, 2008.
I love it! I've loved 'meeting' new bloggers too!
Who tagged you? My friend Kasey from All That is Good.
Just realized my friend Shawn had tagged me earlier. Oops!
Tell me your five most favorite body parts. Seriously?
1. My smile
2. My blue eyes
3. My blonde hair
4. My hands
5. My painted toe nails
Why is this so hard for women? Ugh!
What do you wish most for your birthday? Date with my hubby sounds great!
What color are you nails right now? Bare. I tend to leave them that way, but paint my toe nails. I love a French manicure.
Have you had any depressing thoughts lately? Yes!
What’s your plan for the next month? To continue losing weight, to complete a baby step of the Dave Ramsey plan, to have an exercise routine in place. (When, where, etc.) To work on Spring Cleaning, and gardening. I'm tired!
At what age did you have your first crush? I had several...I know I had a crush on Kurt and Brian before my teenage years. Then when I was 15 I had a crush on Jeff who worked at Eureka Springs at the Hoedown that his parents owned. First time I saw him I had a major crush and he did on me too. I can remember being all giddy. He worked the souvenir box and slid a garter on my arm...I thought I would faint. Then he came and sat by me for the rest of the show. We talked the whole time and he gave me his number.
Have you attended any school reunions? No, not yet. My 20th is next year and I plan on going. Did I just say 20th...WoW!
Have you ever passed gas in public and pretended like you don't smell anything? No way!!!...Blondes don't poot!
Oh yeah, honest answers...Yes! I walk quickly, but not to obvious, to the next couple of aisles over hoping the smell will stay there and be blamed on someone else. Nice, huh?
Are you a clean freak? Not compared to some people! (Come on over Kasey. :D)
What era do you wish you were born in? I belong in this content here.
Are you a vegetarian? No, I don't think I could be. I am trying to eat more greens though.
How many pillows do you sleep with at night? Usually one. Sometimes I sleep with a pillow between my knees. Mainly when I was pregnant.
Are you a light sleeper or a heavy sleeper? I tend to be heavy most times, maybe because I know my husband is a light sleeper and he will take care of things like kids getting up during the night.
Do you secretly wear granny panties when your man is not around? Granny panties no....unless you consider undies that suck you in granny panties. Love my Spanx. Poor Hubby.
What is your ultimate dream job? I am fulfilling one now...SAHM. Another...teacher...done that one too. Another: To own my own business and be a party planner for kids. Plan, prepare, and bake the cake, cupcakes...the whole nine yards.
What does your husband do that annoys you the most? When he doesn't take out the scraps. No garbage disposal...just country living. The one thing he knows I don't like doing.
What is your dream car? I really like the one I am driving Lincoln LS.
Do you wake up easily in the morning? No. I hit the snooze several times. I am a night owl. I too let the boys watch cartoons if I'm needing more zzzz's for an extra 15- 30 minutes of sleep in the morning. My favorite way to wake up is when the boys come in to snuggle with me and talk in the mornings. Good times!
Do you like hairy men? It depends. Not grizzly bear hairy.
How about a man with a goatee? Yes! My man tried the clean cut look...not my favorite on him. Nor his. I prefer him in a short cut goatee.
Which would you prefer: a two-hour spa massage, a two-hour Thai massage, or a two-hour foot massage? A two-hour full massage including the feet. Bliss!
Have you ever wished you had a different name? If so, at name? I've never wanted to change my name. I witnessed my Mom go through that phase...I didn't get it.
What is the most extreme sport you have ever done? Cheerleader...extreme I know!! I can still do the splits, but trying to do a cartwheel again was a total shock to my body! I gave up basketball in the 4th grade when I couldn't do a lay up.
Do you prefer traveling in Europe or Asia? I have never been to either. I would like to go to Europe someday.
What is your favorite food? Strawberries
What is your most embarrassing moment while out on a date? I have several...but one time when I was dating my now hubby...I threw up all over him. Embarrassing!!!!
Want to join in and meet some new friends? You can just copy and paste the questions and answers onto your blog and then erase my answers and fill in your own! Be sure to go back to Kasey's and link up to Mr. Linky there.
Happy FMM!
Birthday wish...
2 days ago
Hey - you have the same b-day as my Pixie! She just turned 6!
I also never paint my nails, but always have to have my toenails painted!
Have a fabulous Monday!
Being tagged twice just means your doubly loved!
I wish I could get back on the exercise and eating right routine too!
Love your list! Hope you are having a great Monday!!! :)
you are so lucky - you have your dream job and your dream car! :o)
i'm with you and xazmin - nails are never painted, but toenails always are. it's fun to look down and see cute pink toenails. i do love getting a french manicure though. :o)
have a great day!
Hi Rhonda! I loved your list. I think being a children's party planner sounds so fun!
I just wanted to let you know that you are one of my favorite blogging friends. I really appreciate you!
PS - it's fun to see you on FB!
Rhonda you are just too cute!!!
Sorry you threw-up on your husband...he obviously didn't care!
Have a super great Monday!
It was great getting to know you also through your survey. Nice answers!!
My toes always have to be painted also!
Thanks for coming by today. My Dad bought me the Dave Ramsey book.
Great list! I to paint my toe nails and forget my finger nails most of the time. I also love the part about the No garbage disposal. We don't have one at this house and it kills me. Hope you have a great day!
I like the look of a French manicure, too, but maintaining it is such a pain in my butt.
Great list! I am jealous of the country living but scraps was never my favorite while growing up without disposal or dishwasher!
What a great list! It sounds like you are living your dream! I bet you'd be a great party planner!
I sooo need to get with the Dave Ramsay plan!!! Loved your list!
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