I read the book, and I am excited to get busy!"You can get anywhere if you simply go one step at a time" from the movie What About Bob? That is what we are going to do...one step at a time! Goals is what we are aiming at. I love the quote by Zig Ziglar, "If you aim at nothing, you will hit it every time.

Before the first baby step we must: Set up a written budget. Telling every dollar where to go! This is to be a monthly task.
Baby Step 1: Save $1000.00 Cash Emergency Fund.
Baby Step 2: Start the Debt Snowball. Pay off all debt except Mortgage.
Baby Step 3: Finish the Emergency Fund- (3-6 months of expenses)
Baby Step 4: Invest 15% of your income in retirement
Baby Step 5: Save for college
Baby Step 6: Pay off your home mortgage
Baby Step 7: Build wealthBaby Step 8: "Live like no one else"!!!This is March and we are just now coming up with our financial goals for 2009.
Actually, I feel good about it because we have been married for 9 1/2 years and for the first time are really coming together and communicating about our finances! We have never written down any goals together. Maybe that is why so many has not come to fruition. Here it goes...I know these are ambitious, but with God all things are possible!
1. Start a written budget and review monthly.
2. Save up a $1000.00 starting Emergency Fund.
3. Cut up and pay off all credit cards! Vow to never have one EVER again!
4. Pay off the 3 medical bills!
5. Get a tooth implant.
6. See Dr. about my foot.
7. Make a will.
8. Me start making money...teaching or subing.
9. Pay off student loans!
10. Become more frugal!
1 comment:
Tonya said...
Good luck with the total money makeover! I love it! Its definately challenging, but worth it. (-:
February 28, 2009 7:40 PM
(Comment taken from "Saving Cents" blog.)
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