2. I share my birthday with my sister, cousin, and mother-n-law.
3. I have one sister and one brother. I also grew up with 2 foster sisters and 2 foster brothers.

4. I grew up on a farm. I'm still a country girl at heart!
5. I helped my mom at the Busy Bee Daycare...that's when I knew I wanted to be a teacher. (About 10 years old.)
6. I starting cleaning houses when I was 12 years old. I made $.50 an hour. Then she felt that wasn't very much for my hard work and bumped it up to $1.00 an hour. I cleaned for people until I got out of college...now...a little burned out in the cleaning area!
7. I lost my dad in an auto accident when I was 14 years old. I still think of him and miss him!
8. I liked fishing with my dad. I don't like putting the worm on the hook.
9. I graduated from Huntsville High School in 1990.
10. I played the drums in band and was a flag girl.
11. I took piano lessons and baton twirling lessons. I wish I would have kept going in piano, and I still have my baton. I bring it out every once in a while. :o)
12. I was in Drama in High School.
13. I have been to Mexico. (Senior trip)
14. My first beach was Corpus Christi, TX. I saw my first jelly fish.
15. I was a cheerleader my senior year in High School. E-E-E-AG, L-L-L-ES, Eagles, Eagles...the best!
16. I went to Washington DC to President Bill Clinton's Inauguration in 1993. I very kind stranger gave me her earmuffs...cold!!! I vote conservative now...
18. I've sold Girl Scout cookies.
19. I went to the U of A ...Fayetteville (1990-1994)
20. I lived in a dorm for two years....Gibson Hall.
21. I had pen pals in college. (Brian and Katrina)
22. I got my degree in Elementary Education.
23. I am the only one in my family that got a degree. (My family before I was married) My husband has a degree.
24. I did my student teaching at Elkins. Loved Kindergarten...6th grade was not my cup of tea.
25. I taught 1st, 2nd, and 3rd grades at St. Paul Elementary. I also taught split classes. I had some students for three years! :o)

27. I let my teaching license expire. Brain cells out of whack! Now I have to take the Praxis again 15 years later!
28. I am a middle child.
29. I was a waitress at the Cracker Barrel. I received a $100.00 tip.......from
my fiance and a proposal there too. :o)
30. I have one cat...Snowball, and one dog...Buddy (Scottie)
31. I was married on 8-8-99 in Bella Vista, AR. I was 27 years old!
Married 8-9-99
32. I have the best 3 boys I could ever ask for. They are the only male grandchildren on Michael's side of the family. (Amongst 9 girls)
33. I have been blessed to be able to stay home for 7 years! I will always cherish the years I stayed home!
34. I have the best husband! He is my best friend.

35. I would like to walk in Jerusalem.
36. I love water! Especially the ocean and water falls.

37. I have been on trains, planes, and automobiles...oh and a motorcycle, boats, but no big boat...hint, hint.
38. If I could go to only one place it would be... Hawaii!
39. I love to be frugal. I love to go to thrift stores and yard sales!
40. I have slept under the stars. I love to go camping, canoe, boating, and hiking.
41. I love spending time with friends and family.
42. I have a garden and fruit trees. I grew up with a big orchard.
43. I have had one traumatic 23 1/2 hour long birth, and one fast, smooth 5 hour long birth. They were worth it!
44. I dye my hair even though I'm naturally a blondie...now a dark blondie.
45. I have been on many, too many to name diets. I love the Biggest Loser!
46. I stopped drinking all soda...(Diet Coke junkie) in Jan. 2008. Wooohoo! Water is my drink of choice.
47. I like crafts.... making them and going to craft fairs.
48. I have donated blood and plasma. Maybe too much plasma...I have a hole in my arm to prove it.
49. I love babies and kids.
50. I like to mow. I have to fight my husband over who will mow...To him it's his responsibility...To me it's relaxing, out of house, music, and time to work on a tan.
51. My hobbies: I like to decorate, photography, crafts, and making cakes.
52. My favorite food....strawberries!!...or is it chocolate! Okay...chocolate covered strawberries...that's what I'm talkin' about!!!!

53. I have been happily married for 9 1/2 years. ;o)

Celebrating one of our anniversaries.
54. I have one grandparent still alive...Grandma Lane. (96 years old.)
Grandma Lane's 96th birthday party... 2008
55. I have blue eyes unfortunately now with sun damage spots on them. Wear your glasses!
56. I have been severely sunburned...3rd degree burn with blisters! Wear sunscreen!
57. I can fold my tongue in half and make it stick. Go ahead try it! See...I'm so talented!
58. I can do the splits. Yes, even now at 37!
59. I have owned two homes and rented one since I was married. Dream...build one.
60. I like to dream...plan...set goals, and organize.
61. I hate spiders, snakes, and public speaking.
Facing my fears!
62. I like going to Razorback Baseball games. Woo Pig Sooie!
63. I drive 45 minutes to church. I've been at the same church for 14 years.
I love my church.
64. I teach Sunday School to 4 year olds. Love it!
65. I have been in jail!

Okay, are you still awake?? Just on a field trip with my mom's daycare. I'm the tallest in red.
66. I'm a night owl.
67. I go to a chiropractor. I had chronic pain in my neck/shoulder...no more! Our whole family goes.

Cameron getting a scan of his spine...08
68. I like watching Dancing with the Stars...I would like to take a dance class with my hubby.
69. My favorite season used to be summer...now it is fall...I love the changing color.
70. I love pedicures/manicures and massages!!! I love SPA Days!!!
71. I like to bake and cook new foods.
72. My favorite color used to be...purple. If I had to choose today...blue...no wait...red!
73. I've lived in a dorm, mobile home, apartment, log home, rent home, and a fixer-upper home. I enjoy making a house...home.
74. I rode in an ambulance and have been to the ER....once! Only after I had BOYS!!!
75. I love being a mom...even if it's the hardest job out there.
76. I like movies. I like to read a good book. I am a magazine junkie. I like my FREE magazines!
77. I have expensive taste, but I am not high maintenance.
78. I recycle. I want to build a green home and have solar panels.
79. I like/try to be frugal.
80. I am on facebook. I'm not on My Space.
81. I go to eat at my mom's (with the family) every Sunday.
82. I like to learn new things...explore new possibilities.
83. I've been to Disney Land...Epcot Center.
84. I was in the church choir. I've been in the Living Christmas Tree.
85. I don't like scary movies.
86. My biggest pet peeve...whining.
87. I like roller coasters.
88. I like playing games...board games, card games, etc.
89. If we have another child...I want to adopt. ;o)
90. I love MUSIC...I love listening and singing. I listen to worship music every day!! I don't like constant humming.
91. I love flying. Taking off is the best part.
92. I make my own laundary soap.
93. I like surprises...good surprises only!
94. I believe in the power of prayer. I believe the Word of God is TRUTH!
95. I am a people watcher.
96. My favorite holiday is CHRISTmas!
97. I am a perfectionist...still working on that one.
98. My favorite flower- two-toned roses. My DH brings me lots of flowers!

99. I am a christian...a Christ follower! Strive to put Him first in my life!
Whew!!....If you are still reading....
100. I am BLESSED!

Congrats Rhonda on your 100th post! Really enjoyed the 100 things about you and seeing some of the things we have in common.
Have a Blessed and Wonderful Mother's Day.
Congrats - I enjoyed reading your list! :)
I LOVE your 100 list! It's so fun learning new things about a great friend!
Congratulations on 100 posts...I will be around for the next 100!
Love your list, I like to know little things about people it tell you alot.
Happy 100th post and Happy Mother's Day.
What a terrific list! Congratulations on 100 posts too! I'd be hard-pressed to come up with 100 things...
YEA 1OO!!!!!!!!!!!!
loved your list! I feel blessed to have met you in the blog world!
Have a beautiful Mother's Day!
Congrats on the 100th post. You were better than I, I totally skipped the 100 things about me post!
I totally loved reading the list!
congrats on reaching 100 posts.
you mentioned taking the praxis again. are you going back to teaching?
also, i'm so with you on the lawn mowing thing. i love to mow - it is relaxing! i'm a sneaky one, i get up before my husband on saturdays (thanks to the kiddies) and start mowing first! hehe
i have an award for you at my blog :)
taht was awesome! I learned so much about you. We are sooooooo much alike it is ridiculous. only i hate flying.
I got my degree in Elementary Education and loved kindergarten and hated 6th too. go to the chiropractor too, the list keeps going..perfectionist, check. Wow we are so similiar.
God bless you this mothers day!
Congrats on your 100 posts! We have many things in common...:)
Congrats on #100! Love the list.
Congrats on your 100th post!
Congrats Rhonda! I loved reading your list of 100!!!
Thanks for sharing- I feel like i really know you now!!
Congratulations on your 100th post!!
Love your list of 100 things. We have so many similarities.
Hope you had a Happy Mother's Day!
Much love from NJ,
Holy smokes, Rhonda! I can not believe that you actually came up with 100 creative and unique things about your life. It was hard for me to come up with 31 things when I turned 31 let alone 100!!
Thanks for sharing all of these and congratulations on 100 posts! ;)
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