I know what it is like to "Michael, (hug), Your here!!". My wonderful husband at last! He saw the mess I was in. He had me sit down and he went to see Cameron. He was wonderful with him. That is an understatement! He made Cameron relax a little. He even made him smile. What a gift to have a husband not to panic like me...to remain calm and collected! He was absolutely awesome with Cameron! Cameron was getting very uncomfortable on that stretch board...I felt so sorry for him. His little body had been through so much and now he has to be strapped to a board that is hard as a rock! ...
The Doctor finally came in and told us he would need to do 3 cat scans, 2 x-rays, and blood work and IV. They wanted to do a scan on Cameron. I began to praise God in the midst of a storm. He is working!
Mom shows up just as I walked out from signing papers. I think Michael was sick at home that day...just so Mom would know she IS needed! Tara stayed behind with Caden and her kids. I go in. I just cannot handle seeing my little boy strapped down like he is. I muster enough strength to walk up to him. Even after a couple of hours Cameron is still un-responsive other than a faint yes or no. I look into my little boys eyes. They were big. I asked him if he was scared. He said he was. I told him, "Mommy is scared too, but everything is going to be fine." He could not take his eyes off of mine. I teared up... he teared up. I could tell him seeing my face red, blood-shot eyes...it was really bothering him. Mom saw it too. He would not take his eyes off of me! He is so sensitive towards how I feel, especially if it's not good. My mom stepped up and I stepped back.
They did a scan on his head, neck, and stomach. He was complaining of a headache and side hurting. Five, long hours later, Cameron strapped down this whole time, the test results came back. My sister walked in. Uncle Rodney is with Caden. The Dr. told us Cameron had a mild concussion, swelling of the brain, and a bruised liver (high enzyme count). He told us how when Cameron was not breathing...his body shut down. He said it's like a computer that crashes...it had to be re-booted. It was to protect him...his brain. Do you know how amazing our bodies are God gave us?...They are efficient!
The rest of Cameron checked out good. No broken bones, no internal bleeding...Falling 9-10 feet up...and nothing else wrong! God is good! The Dr. told us we really need to watch Cameron through the night. We were to wake him up every 2 hours and ask him questions like, "who am I", "what is your dogs name?" We had to watch for some serious signs that could occur and if so, we were to bring him back to the ER. Cameron did great! What a night! A true emotional, exhausting roller-coaster. Will these images ever stop flooding my mind? How horrific to think about day and night.
The next day consisted of neurological testing with his pediatrician. Everything checked out good. We were to come back in 10 days to do another liver test. He was pretty sure that it was caused by the fall. He wanted us to wait, so it could heal itself. I told him the story. He said, "breathing in his mouth was the best thing we could have done. Kids hearts are strong, if we can just get him to breathe. It's called rescue breaths!" I asked Mom, 'How did you know to do that?" She said, "I didn't". Thank you God for answered prayers...his liver was healed when tested. Thank you Lord for using Grandma Alma! What a miracle...the Lord allowed Cameron to live! My Mom said, "God has something big planned for Cameron". (That's what I've prayed for.) Telling Cameron's story...my hairdresser and friend she said the same thing. "Satan is out to get him, but God saved him. God has big plans for Cameron."
John 10:10 says, " A thief comes only to steal, and to kill, and to destroy. I have come that they may have life and have it in abundance." Satan is the thief! He is real, he wants to destroy us, our children, our families. But God has a plan. He has come that little Cameron my have life and have it in abundance. You, my friend too can have life.
Looking back: We took a class at church about raising boys. The first class everyone went around and introduced themselves and each told how many times they had been to the ER. Cameron was around 5 then. We were the only family, out of ~15, that had never had a visit to the ER! I piped up, "we have called Poison control", feeling a little left out. Can't say that anymore! Boys = ER.
Update: The ER visit cost an astonishing $14,358.00! We paid $250.00 of course (Although I was thinking it would cost around $3000.-$4,000...never been to the ER remember?) They are now trying to say we

Today Cameron is a healthy boy! He is smart, funny, compassionate, and a super boy! Cameron told us after the accident: "When I tried to get up, I just couldn't...I blacked out...I didn't have enough strength." As for me, the Lord has allowed me to not dwell on the past...so the pictures in my memory do not come up very often anymore...thank goodness! Only good pictures...like the one of him singing praises to the Lord!
As for the trees...we will leave them to the birds. (For now)
Have you prayed for your child today??
1 comment:
Thanks for sharing. That is such an awesome story. I had tears in my eyes. Tears of awe at the awesomeness of our Lord. One of these days I will blog and share Skylar's story. I am glad that the images are not there as much anymore. If I am by myself much my mind runs away with me and I have to ask the lord to help me block them out. Cameron will bring a lot of people to the lord with his testimony. I kept telling Skylar when he got hurt that this would all be just a testimony someday and what a testimony they have. Satan has not won!! Thanks again for sharing sometimes sharing can be very therapeutic. God bless your family!! Stacy Houston
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