Thursday, July 7, 2011

Square Foot Gardening

This year we stepped out of the box and tried something new to us...Square Foot Gardening.   The boys helped build the boxes for me on Mother's Day.  We only did two boxes as a trial run this year.

We planted our garden late, so we are just now seeing things grow, but it is exciting. 

One bed alone was devoted to my favorite food...strawberries. 


We also have tomato, jalapenos, cucumber, squash, and watermelon planted. 

Michael noticed a rabbit nibbling away one day, so we ended up putting a fence around each box to keep the critters out.


What I love about SFG is there is NO weeds!  It is all organic!  I can reach each square easily.  It takes up little space.  It holds water very well due to the 5-6 different ingredients that make up the soil.  It is smaller, but I can grow just as much as I did in my big garden.  After reading the just makes sense.

What's in your garden this year?


  1. That is so cool! I have always wanted to grow a garden but have been so intimidated by them - what book did you read to learn about it?


  2. I've thought about having a garden just sounds like a lot of work! ;) Yours looks beautiful!

  3. oh I so miss my garden. When we moved south, we live on a hill so our yard is not conducive to a garden.

  4. How exciting! I love to have the veggies from the garden and more thankful for Barry doing all the work. Looks great!! Nice job.

  5. I want to try this but Scotty is sticking with the big garden which we can't keep up with. How are you keeping the weeds out?

  6. Awesome! We planned to do one like this; but didn't get too. Maybe, next year. I loved the pictures.
    Blessings to you!
    Living Waters by LeAnn
    Google comments down today.

  7. I, too, have been intimidated by gardening. My mom has the greenest thumb ever, and I do not
    :( You have given me some inspiration :)

  8. Seems like it would be less daunting to do it this way. Especially since I kill everything I try to grow. LOL

  9. That looks great! I think that's a great idea, but I don't have any gardening talents. :)

  10. That is so neat. I love the photo of you and boys! We don't have a garden this year. I didn't want to be out all the time in the garden. This approach seems more my speed. We will have to give it a try!


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