Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Record Breaking Blizzard

Last night I went to bed thinking we would be getting the 2-4 inches of snow that was predicted.  When I woke up I was giddy when I looked out the window.  The predictions had changed to up to 10" at this point.   Before the day was over we had a record amount of snow fall in Northwest Arkansas.  It started snowing 2-3 inches an hour.  At our house we got over 12 inches, but other places got up to 26"+ of snow!  This is the most snow I have ever seen.  It's crazy, but I love it.

The forecast eventually turned into this...
(See the royal blue-that is where I live.)

This is the 6th consecutive day of school we have missed now, and I predict we will not go for the rest of the week.

It is absolutely gorgeous outside!   I love how calm everything is when a big snow comes.  Calm except for the many birds who came to eat. 

It was a relaxing day, 

which included snow ice-cream.


I could not put the camera down.


At one point Daisy grabbed the ruler out of the ground.  She was ready to measure the snow her way.


Cyclops was formed.  This is the backside of our snowman.  The 'eye' is the stocking cap that sat on top of the snowman. 

Good thing Daisy sleeps in the room with the boys, however she loves the snow.

It did not stay calm for long.  Michael headed outside to measure the snow. 

 I followed with the camera.   

What I saw next had me laughing for at least 30 minutes. 

I am talking laugh so hard that my stomach got a hard, I HAD to sit down.
Our steps were covered.  Michael missed the bottom step and just rolled.  When I saw that smile and knew he was okay... I lost it!

His response was to give me a hug and say, "I love your laugh, so it was worth it."

Thanks for making me laugh today.  Laughter is such good medicine!   


  1. All I can say is WOW, I'm so glad we don't have that kind of snow..I'm cold just looking at it...but I have to say it is beautiful.
    PS Glad your DH wasn't hurt.

  2. Wow!! That is crazy!!! I love snow days. We don't ever get them here, but when I was growing up in Michigan we had a storm like that and were out for two weeks. It was wonderful!

    Have a great time with your cute boys!!!


  3. Oh wow! We haven't had much snow this year. Just a little dusting. I'm ready for spring now, but I would've loved a storm like that. The serenity of it all. And that first picture of the birds is GORGEOUS!

  4. Beautiful pics... glad I'm not in that snow... I really don't like being cold and I'm always cold. But sure is beautiful and how fun it is to laugh at someone else's expense!! Tee hee


  5. I'm so glad it's you and not us right now. We've gotten a lot of snow. It is beautiful I have to say but with snow days and sick kids home from school it makes it hard to get things done sometimes. :)

    Much love from NJ,

  6. I love the pictures! What town do you live in? We live in Bentonville and we got 15 inches!! It's crazy!!!

  7. Those are seriously Christmas Card worthy pictures! And he loves your laugh so it was worth it?! Sweet!

  8. Girl I have been thinking of you. I can't believe we have gotten so much snow in Feb. We only got 3 more inches on Wednesday but now we have been out of school 7 out of the last 10 days. Trey is totally wanting to get back to school, though Donnie is loving the time off to work on his race car. I just want a normal schedule, lol.
    Love all the photos. I would spend most of my day just looking out the windows at the wonderful view. The dog photo was a scream.
    Stay warm and safe!

  9. Hi Rhonda!

    Nothing like a good storm!! I can't believe the pictures - all that snow, plus cute kids! Your sweet husband . . . too funny! :0)

    Warm hugs,

  10. i'm so jealous of your snow! i wish we would get some here in sc.

  11. Wow, that is a storm. I loved all the picturs and especially the fun picture of your husband. It's time for hot chocolate and a good movie.
    Blessings to you! LeAnn

  12. Those pictures are so pretty! I love the snow and all the peacefullness it brings. Michael looks like he is having fun too!
    Hope all is well.

  13. That is what our house looks like too. it is crazy and we are getting more as i type. tell your hubs thanks for the laugh. :)

  14. Funny post! I'm glad he wasn't hurt though!

    We had to make up our snow days here and go to school for 3 extra days before summer started...blah!

    Been thinking of you and hope you are doing well.

    Take care!


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