Saturday, January 22, 2011

Project 365...Week 4

Sunday, January 16

Cameron waiting to eat the eggs he made all by himself.


Monday, January 17

Awww...there's no place like home!

Tuesday, January 18

Caden and Daisy...inseparable.

Wednesday, January 19

Cameron's cheesy belt.

Thursday, January, 20
Caden getting ready to take the plunge.  The boys had
a blast staying home two days playing in the snow.

Cameron coming off the slide

Friday, January 21

A winter wonderland out my back door...'snow' pretty.

Saturday, January 22

I was excited when my new favorite cleaning supplies from
Shaklee arrived today, and I got a free Cinch weight loss kit. 
Wish me luck.

Join in with Sara


  1. ok, there has to be a story behind the cheese belt!!!

    Love the picture of your kids snuggling.

    I will be praying for your friend!

  2. OMgoodness...those pictures of your kids are ABSOLUTELY adorable! ;)

  3. Wow! Look how big Daisy is!!! And the view out your backyard is GORGEOUS!

  4. I totally want a cheese belt!

    Great pics!


  5. Food is more than just for eating! LOL

    That is "snow" pretty -- and I don't miss it a bit! :) But glad your boys enjoyed it.

    Keep us informed how the Cinch plan goes!

    Have a great week :)

  6. Oh, your snow picture is pretty! I'm slightly jealous :)

    Love the cheese belt, looks like something my kids would do.

  7. I LOVED the cheesy belt and the snow picture out your back door. I love pictures that allow you to be part of the photographers life. Thanks for sharing.

  8. Oh those are the sweetest pictures! Don't you just love it when your children learn to do things for themselves, and then they are so proud? Such great captures, Rhonda!

  9. I am with Sara...please share the story about the cheese belt...did he eat all of those cheese sticks?! We moved from MI to AZ so we see no more snow days...I do miss the snow however I do not miss the cold! Love the captures of your kids playing in the snow and snuggling on the couch!

  10. Wonderful photos. I really like the no place like home photo and the cheese belt was a scream. I see you all got snow as well. Donnie is so excited that he gets to go back to school in the morning.
    Great photos and I hope you have a wonderful week!

  11. Way to go on the eggs, Cameron!

    Great pics of the snowy outdoors. That means you got OUT THERE to take them! I've been know to stand with the front door open and snap a pic quickly.

    Loved the cheesy fashion forward. :)

  12. oh yay... you are doing this too!! =) I love love your pics of the boys covered in snow! too fun! and Caden with the dog and his tonka... priceless! Have a beautiful week!

  13. Loved the pictures; they are really good ones. Good luck on your diet; I am just trying to stay off chocolate for one week and I have already had a melt down; but made it through it.
    Blessings to you! LeAnn

  14. wow, the picture out your backdoor is absolutely beautiful!! I love snow pictures, probably because I never get to see any in person!

  15. WTCook Cameron!!

    Love the cheese belt! LOL

  16. So cute! I want a cheese belt too. The snow is beautiful to look at but I've had enough of it.

  17. Great kids, good photos!
    Super mom!

  18. Those pictures are beautiful.

    The cheese belt is hilarious!

    I must admit the snow picture is very pretty, although we get way too much of it here! ;)

  19. Great photos!! I LOVE the sledding one and the Cinch one, of course, lol! Keep up the great work. It was great talking to you tonight! :)

  20. Love the photo of the kids snuggling on the couch. So sweet. :) Thanks for the visit today! Hope you'll stop by Serenity Now again soon. :)


I love your comments! Thanks for taking the time to leave them here! :D