Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Wordless Wednesday...I Can't Believe It, Another Milestone!

He couldn't contain his smile!

Visit Tanya for more Wordless Wednesdays!


  1. So cute!
    But, slow him down, we don't want them to hit those milestones too fast cuz they just drag us with them into old age!

  2. He looks like a professional. Love it.

  3. It's a blessing when they start to grow up - but savor the little moments, while they are still young :o) He is very handsome!


  4. Yeah, you'd love the Landing, you can eat by the water and they had balloon character makers for the kids. Lots of little shops, a Bass Pro with a decent sized aquarium, a trolley that you can ride down the middle of the shops, and lots of fountains! Perfect!

  5. Wow, now that is a big boy. He can share in our love of mowing. I don't know if I will be able to let Trey mow our yard as that is my favorite mommy time.
    Sorry I didn't come by yesterday, it was a wild day at the Miller household. Thanks for linking up this week and have a great day!


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