Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Kings River Falls Fun

Recently our gang headed out for a day trip to Kings River Falls. The Falls is located at the interface of the Springfield Plateau and Boston Mountains subdivisions of the Ozark Mountains. It takes about ~1 hour from our home; however, it is not far from our little log cabin we lived in when we were newlyweds. As a matter of fact, we drove up to the home to show the boys where we first lived. Cameron was two months old when we sold it. After the detour, we finally arrive at the Falls. There was about a two mile hike until we reached our desired destination.

The boys were thrilled to find some hiking sticks that someone had left behind.

It was a nice hike and well worth it when we got to the beautiful swimming hole! The first time for the boys.

It didn't take long before the boys starting jumping off the rocks. Of course, starting off with the lower ones first. Once they mustered up the courage they started jumping off the 10-12 feet rocks! Michael was so proud and said, "I didn't even do that at their age."

Next, the boys decided to check out the water fall. It did start rain on us for a moment at one point, but that didn't phase them.

On our way back we decided to pause for a break...

and a little more fun...

and a lot of silliness!

Are you making lots of fun memories with your family this summer?

Until next time...


  1. What fabulous photos. The falls make for a cute photo background. I love the photo of your little guy splashing water. Sounds like a fabulous trip.
    When we were in Branson this last time we also took Trey to see where we use to live. It is crazy how time flies and also how the kiddos don't ever think we have lived anywhere else but the home they know.
    Hope you have a great day!

  2. Wow, that place looks beautiful, and alot of fun!

    I love those pics of daddy with the boys stacked on top!

  3. Those are seriously awesome photos! You are blessed!

  4. I wish there were a place like that nearby for us to go swimming! So fun!

  5. Great photos once again! I love Kings River Falls. Such a beautiful place. I actually had the pleasure of photographing a wedding there last year. :)

  6. Great pictures, friend! That looks like so much fun!

  7. Wow, I loved the pictures of the boys at the swimming hole. The pictures are so awesome of such a lovely area to visit. I wish I could find a great place like that to spend a moment at. I can tell you are enjoying the moments.
    Blessings to you! LeAnn

  8. What a beautiful place to swim and hang out at. Cute pictures of your boys.

  9. That swimming hole is spectacular! Wow - so pretty!

    Thanks for the Twitter message! I hope you get some time to finish your project! I got my materials tonight and I hope I can start on it tomorrow. We will see!


  10. You are a great photographer!! Beautiful pictures! Looks like you had a great time making memories - I love it!


  11. Love these pictures of the boys. So fun! Making memories. Do you scrapbook all these?

  12. Looks like so much fun!

    What a great family outting!

    We are planning lots of camping ourselves...we have lots of wonderul places nearby.

  13. Oh, I want to swim here. I really want to grab Sloane and Jeffrey and swim here.


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