Rhonda's Daybook
March 16, 2010
Outside my window...it looks dreary out today. There is also a vanity that waits to be painted, a garden tilled, bikes to be put up, and buds are appearing on the trees. (1 hour later....Update: the sun has broken through and it is glorious outside now!)
I am thinking....I have so much to do that it is overwhelming me today.
I am thankful... for being over my sinus infection and the health of my family!
I am wearing ....workout clothes because it's a must to exercise today!
I am remembering...that I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.
I am creating....a long to do list.
I am going....to go to a Dr. Seuss Family night at school tonight.
I am reading...The Bible in 90 Days and The Excellent Wife by Martha Peace.
I am hoping...I make the most out of today!
March 16, 2010
Outside my window...it looks dreary out today. There is also a vanity that waits to be painted, a garden tilled, bikes to be put up, and buds are appearing on the trees. (1 hour later....Update: the sun has broken through and it is glorious outside now!)
I am thinking....I have so much to do that it is overwhelming me today.
I am thankful... for being over my sinus infection and the health of my family!
I am wearing ....workout clothes because it's a must to exercise today!
I am remembering...that I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.
I am creating....a long to do list.
I am going....to go to a Dr. Seuss Family night at school tonight.
I am reading...The Bible in 90 Days and The Excellent Wife by Martha Peace.
I am hoping...I make the most out of today!
On my mind...our family night on Thursday, and our meeting to discuss sponsoring a child from Kenya, Africa through Compassion! The need is so great.
From the learning rooms... the boys are learning Psalm 23 on the car rides to and from school. They are doing great!
Pondering these words ...(Kristen's) "I don't know who I am. It's a startling realization to not recognize yourself: My own voice sounds hollow. My eyes hold a distant stare, remembering all I've seen in Africa this past week. My thoughts keep me awake at night." Please visit and pray for Kristen from We are THAT Family.
She is the one who has inspired me to sponsor a child!
From the kitchen...Spaghetti, garlic bread, salad with homemade Italian dressing.
I will also be making white chocolate popcorn with green sprinkles for St. Patrick's day for my boys and Cameron's teacher since she loves it so much! It is so good!
From the kitchen...Spaghetti, garlic bread, salad with homemade Italian dressing.
I will also be making white chocolate popcorn with green sprinkles for St. Patrick's day for my boys and Cameron's teacher since she loves it so much! It is so good!
Around the house...I hear the washer and dryer. I need to turn on some music!
One of my favorite things...~Spring Break~
We all are off at the same time! The perks of being teachers!
Last year Michael's break was one week and the boys the next. Cameron said that if they don't change that rules, then he would have to become President to make sure the schools have the same spring break. We are thankful that it got worked out!
Last year Michael's break was one week and the boys the next. Cameron said that if they don't change that rules, then he would have to become President to make sure the schools have the same spring break. We are thankful that it got worked out!
A few plans for the rest of the week....
*Tuesday-Dr. Seuss family night for 3rd graders.
*Wednesday-XCLR 8 at church.
*Thursday-Family night-Aaron comes home.
*Friday- Date night... our first Big Great Date Experiment.
Saturday-Clean out shed area and take stuff to the recycling center.
Start on the bathroom makeover.
Sunday-Church, teach, Grandmas..REST!
From my picture journal...
The boys are in the car for at least 30 minutes six days a week. Last year on our trip to school in the mornings I would pray with the boys, and then I started teaching them the Lord's Prayer. They learned it by the repetition. Now, I want them to learn Psalm 23. I just added the prayer cards to the car to help them learn this Psalm. They know half of it right now, and do not let me forget about it in the mornings. They really enjoy memorizing scripture.

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My little one just memorized this one: Jesus said: I am the bread of life, he who comes to me will never be hungry."
It makes me tear up every time he says it. He says it a lot. :)
I love these lovely thoughts today! I love Compassion too & we sponsor a precious boy from El Salvador named Cristian. It has been such a blessing! Have a great week!
I was just listening to the 23 Psalm on the Glory Revealed CD and thinking of how I need to post it on my refrigerator. In the meantime I stuck a picture of my daughter sitting in green grass as a reminder.
I love the idea of memorizing scripture in the car! Our car rides our short to school, but we live out in the country so there are many opportunities for car rides. Now our routine is to sing This is the Day as we drive out of our driveway and to thank God for our blessings. Isn't it great when the kids are the ones to remind the adults?
Great post! I love the daybook posts because they give you something to write about when nothing else seems to come to mind.
I love the idea of adding memory verses in the car. That is a great idea!!!!!
What a great idea to post scripture in the car! We're working on the Lord's Prayer :)
Love the scripture memorizing in the car! Awesome idea.
Excellent Wife = excellent book! =)
Posting memory verses in the car is a great idea! We are at home most days, so our half-bath closet doors are covered with scripture passages to memorize ~ or just to read often. ;-)
Hi Rhoda! Thanks for stopping by my blog to say hi! Isn't nice to "meet" new people through things like the Daybook!?!? I loved your words to ponder! I might have to consider adding that next week! Have a great one!
Sorry it was dreary out today. It was so sunny here and beautiful...for a change:)
WE had spaghetti for dinner too. YUM
Hi Rhonda, I love the idea of putting verses in the car. How is the Excellent Wife? I have the book but haven't ever read it.
Hi Rhonda,
Thanks for stopping by to see me today - I love to see new faces! I really enjoyed your daybook, it's so nice to know that as women, we all have so many things in common.
You asked about Murphy's Oil Soap - I use it on my cabinets and on my floors, really, on just about everything. It's so mild that you can use it on anything that doesn't streak.
I love chicken done in the crockpot with Italian dressing! There are so many good recipes for it online! I just put my frozen chicken tenders (6-8 of them) in the crockpot, with about 1/2 cup Italian dressing from a bottle, turn it on high and dinner is ready in 4-6 hours! I serve it on rice with some of the juice from the bottom of the crockpot. This is a low fat version, there are many delicious recipes out there!
I love that you are teaching your children scripture - what a good mom! When I was in kindergarten, we had to memorize the Lord's Prayer. We said it when we got to class, when we went outside to play and before we went home. I, of course, never forgot it.
What a wonderful service, to sponsor a child from Africa - we really are so blessed, and you will receive even more blessings by your kindness and generosity.
So fun to meet you, sorry I was so long winded - come back often to see me, I will do the same!
How fabulous that your boys enjoy memorizing scripture! I am terrible about remembering the verse...I can recite the passage but can't always tell you what chapter it's from!
I'm looking forward to sharing this with our child too!
Happy St. Patrick's Day!
What a great post!
So important to teach God's Word to our kids. You are inspiring!
We have sponsored a child through Compassion for years. It will be a great blessing to you as well as to the child you sponsor!
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