Tuesday, March 9, 2010

A Simple Woman's Daybook

Rhonda's Daybook
March 9, 2010

Outside my window... it is sunny, windy, and a high of 60's.

I am thinking.... I am so glad I finally went to the doctor yesterday. I got a shot and antibiotics for my sinus infection.

I am thankful ...for Tuesday night bible studies. Also, that I made two batches of Italian lasagna and now it is coming in handy. Thanks Jen for the fab recipe!

I am wearing...Dark jeans, hot pink shirt, brown jacket, brown boots, hair done, make up, and jewelry. Yep, I worked today.

I am remembering...one of the girls in our bible study just had her baby last week. I will be taking the extra Italian lasagna to her tonight and a gift.

I am creating...a plan for my garden this year.

I am going...to feel better soon and get back to exercising again.

I am reading...The Bible in 90 Days and The Excellent Wife by Martha Peace.

I am hoping...
the Eagles will win the state championship game this weekend in Hot Springs. It was so much fun to watch them this past weekend. We spent two nights in a hotel and watched three exciting basketball games. It was a long four hour drive there, but a fun weekend.

On my mind...is the posts that Kristen from We are THAT Family have been posting from Kenya, Africa. Go visit her! She has a great He Said/She Said powerful video series too.

From the learning rooms... Cameron passed his 12's in multiplication today. He is the first boy in the class to pass them all. (2nd, overall) He was proud and excited about the free time he has when everyone else is studying.

Pondering these words ...The traits of the Excellent Wife in Proverbs 31: 10-31.

From the kitchen... Michael just cooked us Georgia Chicken, broccoli, potatoes, and crescent rolls.

Around the house...dinner has been cooked, kitchen cleaned, and Michael and the boys are playing football outside. Loving it!

One of my favorite things...Seeing and feeling that Spring is on it's way!

A few plans for the rest of the week...presenting the 'lungs' tomorrow during the schools "Body Walk", cleaning, lots of laundry from the weekend trip, and baseball sign-ups this weekend.

From my picture journal...

Playing at the park in Northeast AR...Highland

To see other Daybooks or to join in click here.


  1. Glad you are feeling better. Have a wonderful week

  2. Such cute park pictures!
    I hope you start to feel better fast! I know when you get a shot it's gotta be that it was a bad one!

  3. I love your Daybook posts, they make me go back and think about my day :) Hope you're feeling better soon, that sinus infection can't be any fun :(

  4. The weather sounds great there and so does that dinner. Hope the shot and antibiotics do the trick! Thanks for your comment and for your prayers.

  5. Glad you were able to get in to the doctor and start and antibiotic...hope you're feeling better soon!The park pictures are really great! I am anxiously awaiting our first 60 this spring!
    God bless Rhonda!

  6. So glad you went to the dr. and are on the road to recovery!! Wishing you a wonderful week, Friend!!

  7. What a lovely week. Aside from that nasty sinus infection. Hope you feel better soon, girl!!!

  8. I just got a Busy Mom's Bible in the mail today and I looked up Proverbs 31. Thank you for sharing that!

  9. Great daybook entry. I think it is safe to say spring is almost here. I am so loving the warm temps. We can't seem to stay inside. I hope that you get to feeling better soon! Love the photos.

  10. I love these posts, I will have to try them soon! You did look cute today! I always have to go to the doctor for the sinus infections, it's the only way to go! I really hope you start feeling better. Those are a drain. Have fun at the body walk!

  11. Yay for sunny weather:) I hope you are doing good and that you have a great Wed!


  12. Awesome post- I love getting a "glimpse" of what's going on in your life!! hope you feel better soon!!



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