Monday, March 22, 2010

Bringing Spring Inside...Amazing Tip!

What do you do when you want to open the windows to let in fresh air, but it's to cold outside and looks like this?

You duck!

Okay, after you dodge the snowballs, why not bring a little Spring inside too? I saw this tip the other day and had to try it. If you have a forsythia bush you can try it too!

Friday, when it was so pretty outside, I decided to trim some bushes. My forsythia bush was needing a good trim. I trimmed some of the limbs and brought them inside. No blooms...yet. We are going to force the blooms to grow! It is so cool.

First, take your cuttings you have inside...

Next, take a hammer and start pounding the end of your cutting.

Until it looks like this....

Then, fill up a vase with warm water and add your cuttings. Put your vase by a window...

Spring clean your kitchen and make the Fly Lady proud of your shiny sink!

Three days later....

You have BLOOMS!


It will brighten up any room in the snowiest of SPRING days.


  1. That's really cool! I oughtta do that. It's cold here but no snow, so we've been opening the windows for sure!

  2. Gfreat idea! How long will they last?

  3. How neat. I have the same plant, but it's been nice here in Oregon so it's really bloomed out. It just brightens my day whenever I look at it's bright blooms

  4. Well now that is pretty and that was not alot of work at all. Cause you know I am all about easy work:) Glad you dodged the snowball:)

  5. The good thing about AZ is I get to have our windows open most days of winter and spring! And part of fall too...summer no way!

  6. That's beautiful! Unfortunately, I think I could almost guarantee you anything I touched would not produce the same results. I'll have to stick with the Easter decorations for now, LOL!

  7. That is so cool Rhonda!!! And they are so pretty. Thanks for the tip my friend!!!


  8. Love it. Wishing I had a forsythia bush too.
    Enjoy your spring break

  9. That is gorgeous! We could all use a little Spring in our lives right now! Thanks for the tip.



  10. What a great idea. I love the fact that you can bring spring inside while it is snowing.


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