Friday, February 12, 2010

Will You Be My Valentine?...Class Valentines

I love homemade Valentines. I love making them with my boys. Last year we made homemade heart crayons as Valentines for Cameron's class. This year we decided to use photos. I have taken a ton of photos this past week. First, for Caden's 100 day project that I will share soon, next for the Valentine photo shoot, and finally for the Valentines for school. Oh, and I cannot forget the snow pictures since the boys were home again three days this week. NW Arkansas has been crazy this year with all the snow. However, we have really enjoyed it.

Class Valentines...I adore these!

I went to their Valentine parties today, and they were a big hit!

I've seen this done in different variations like my sweet friend Liz. She has an adorable one too that you should check out!
I am linking up with Jen's Weekend Wrap Up Party.

Are you ready for the day of LOVE?


  1. LOVE these, Rhonda!! I will most definitely be making these at some point in my children's educational career! ;)

  2. Oh wow, and I thought I had done a good job with our homemade valentine's ... ha. These are ADORABLE!

  3. O my goodness these are awesome! We also tried a photo Valentine but they were sooo not this cool. I saw Caden's 100th day project in the hall and I was really impressed.

  4. Great idea. i will have to use this one next year, if they still do valentines in 5th grade

  5. Rhonda --
    Those turned out so CUTE! I love that! I wanted to make some cute ones, but ran out of time!

    So cute!!!!!


  6. I am SO writing this down and stashing it in my "crafts I wanna do" pile. Cuz those are CUUUUUUTE!

  7. Ohhhh, you sweet, sweet thing! Those cards are ADORABLE! Much, much cuter than the ones we did. You did awesome!!!

  8. That is so dang creative!!! I made Rhiannons this year too and the kids loved them!

  9. These are awesome! Love it. I know they were a huge hit. Great Job!
    {I added the heart to B's photo on Picnik. Love that website.}
    Happy Heart Day!

  10. Wow, those are the neatest cards. I cannot wait to make them with Kenneth, Elizabeth adn Bradley!!

  11. Those are so cute! I wanted to do them this year, but ran out of time. Maybe next year. Looks like your kiddos had a great day at school! Do you have fun plans with your family tomorrow?

  12. Those turned out GREAT!!! We were going to do those this year, but both kids said NO!!!!! Mean huh? I was so disappointed!!


  13. Those turned out great. i am so doing this next year.

  14. That is such a cute idea! I love it!

  15. You are too stinking cute with those Valentines! My kids had cheesy little paper ones from Wal-Mart. I am hereby determined to be craft next year!

  16. What a cute idea! I would have loved to do something like this when my kids were younger!

    Thanks so much for your sweet comment on my blog today!

  17. Those are darling... A real keepsake and a sweet treat, too! Lezlee

  18. These are awesome! I have to use this idea! Love it!

  19. Still love it cute friend!

    Thanks so much for linking up to my party!!!


  20. Those are so, so cool! I am going to try that next year... I know my daughter will love them!


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