Saturday, January 30, 2010

Let it Snow...Ice-cream

Wow, it snowed almost all day Friday, and the snow is absolutely beautiful. I have not seen this much snow in Arkansas since the 2000 snow storm. Matter of fact, this is the most snow my boys have ever seen, and they love it. There is about 1 inch of ice and then about 5-7 inches of snow on top of that. We will have to measure it tomorrow.

We had a lot of fun as a family today in the snow. Snowball fights, snowman building, homemade hot chocolate, and snow ice-cream.

Got snow?...Make Ice-cream!

Paula Deen's Snow Ice-cream

8 cups snow, or shaved ice
1 (14-ounce) can sweetened condensed milk
1 teaspoon vanilla extract
Place snow or shaved ice into a large bowl. Pour condensed milk over and add vanilla. Mix to combine. Serve immediately in bowls.

I hope you are having a great weekend with the people you love!


  1. What a cool idea!! Reminds me of Cloudy with a chance of Meatballs..LOL.

  2. Ok, this Texas gal is actually a tiny tiny bit jealous over the fun in the snow.

    Whew- it didn't last long though!!


  3. I will just look at your pretty snow pictures and enjoy it that way!

  4. Fun...we used to make that too. YUM

  5. Thanks for that recipe! We'll make that tonight after dinner!

    Enjoy your snow! I know we are!

  6. oh I am so jealous in a good way of course!

    Great memories

  7. Awww that's so awesome! You can keep the snow as long as you want to, by the way. I'm fine with that! ;)

    I love the ice cream idea though...priceless.

  8. Our posts are almost identical! How funny! So glad you all were able to enjoy the snow too!

  9. Your snow looks lovely and sounds yummy. I wish we could get to some where with real snow, we are itching to do some sleding.

    Have fun and stay warm,
    God Bless
    Cha Cha

  10. So glad you guys didn't get more ice. We also got about 6 inches of snow. I think we have spent most of the weekend sledding. Love the photo of the boys!

  11. We love snow ice cream! a couple of weeks ago when it snowed we made it! However if you don't eat it at the first sitting it does not freeze very well- found that out the hard way. Looks yummy!

  12. How fun! I've never seen a recipe made with snow before. Leave it to Paula Deen!

  13. What a fun time...the snow ice cream is very yummy! We have lots of chances to make this in fact, we have a fresh snowfall happening right now!


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