Friday, December 4, 2009

Funny Friday....Boys! Where's My Camera??

I turn on my camera, and what do I see....

Do you ever pick up your camera and find strange pictures and videos on it? That happens to me all the time! We bought the boys each a Fisher Price camera for Christmas one year. The camera records just like my camera, however, their batteries are dead because they love it! Now they always find mine! It's time to invest in some rechargeable batteries!

Cameron missed two days of school this week from the Croup. Here is how he occupied himself for a while. I leave you with the latest video that Cameron made.

That is so Cameron! I'm off to disinfect my camera now! ;o)

Have a happy Friday!


  1. Oh my gosh. Boys are weird. : )

  2. So funny every time I look at my camera there are fifty pictures of Brinsley making the same face lol!

    Have a great weekend!

  3. My 3 year old daughter just watched that video with me, and she was talking to him like he could hear her. LOL

    Have a great weekend!

  4. HA! Yes, I do know what it's like to find strange pics on my camera. Or I did. Now the girls know that my camera is OFF LIMITS :) Sierra has her own, so that helps :) Please, go Lysol that thing!

  5. LOL I would have died. That is too funny.

  6. Thanks goodness for boys. I am so glad funny Friday's are back.
    Have a great weekend!

  7. So funny! Ella loves to take my phone when I'm not looking and take pictures of everything. Then she sends the pictures to people. She sent one of my friends a picture of the Arthur show on tv and my friend was like "are you trying to tell me something by sending me this?" Kids are so funny!


  8. LOL!!! I find videos all the time. Cara puts on plays with her toys or gives tours of the house to God knows who. Sienna records herself singing and dancing.


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