Monday, December 28, 2009

A Christmas Surprise

Remember my exciting find this past summer? I picked up this great gumball machine for $1.00. It even had money in the bottom of it! Well, I knew when I found it just what I would do with it. I saw the idea about a year ago on a DIY blog and then here, and loved it.

Here is the before:

After: meet Dino!

The fish is so stinkin' cute!

Dino's pretty cute too!

The boys were so excited about the fish. Caden hugged me and told me again today, "thanks for the fish." I'm excited it has such a cute, unique home!


  1. did you get the water to stay in there...that is awesome!

  2. So creative!

    I used to have 2 Beta fish - a blue and red one. :)

  3. Oh my gosh, that is adorable!!! Nice work! :)

  4. You are so stinking crafty! I love it!

  5. Well that one just totally threw your hat in the Mother of the Year award ring.

    Great idea!

  6. That rocks!!! I love it!!

    How do you keep the water from coming out of someone turns the knob??? Yikes!!


  7. how clever are YOU??? now those gum machines will be flyin' off the shelves at every thrift store in town!!! yay!

  8. How creative! That is adorable!

  9. I love it!! I'm so glad you sent this to me because it reminded me I need to change the water on ours right NOW. :)

  10. Oh, and I just deleted your email and couldn't remember what questions you had about our fish?

  11. Love the fish tank what a great idea. It seems like Beta fish are the only fish we can keep alive!
    Have a fabulous day!

  12. May all your dreams come true and may you be blessed with all the best things in life! Happy New Year 2010! XO

  13. Oh, I've seen that once on blogland too...I thought it was adorable then...and I LOVE how yours turned out!

  14. You did an awesome job. I bet they just love this gift. Thanks for coming by and commenting on my bubble gum machine. God Bless.

  15. Oh my gosh! My older kids' dad got them a gumball machine on a stand, almost just like that, and it's just been sitting. This would be so fun to do! Thanks!


I love your comments! Thanks for taking the time to leave them here! :D