Sunday, November 22, 2009

Operation Christmas Child

Operation Christmas Child is an awesome organization through Samaritan's Purse, which provides children in more than 100 countries, on six different continents, shoe boxes filled with gifts. Keep in mind, these shoe boxes may be the first gift these children ever receive. We have done angel tree gifts before, but this is our first time participating in OCC. I hope to do even more next year!

In trying to instill in my boys that giving is better that receiving, and to be thankful, I thought it would be a fun project for us. Caden was so sweet. I told him about it and showed him the Veggie Tale video about it, then he started off to his room to get some things. I stopped him and explained to him that the items need to be brand new. He then remembered a movie he just received for his birthday and wanted to send that. I told him that most of the children don't have TV's to watch movies. He then pipes up. "We could give them our TV." I love that he is thinking big in his giving! I did stump him when I told him the TV wouldn't fit in the shoe box. Loved it!

I was so inspired by one blogger, Clair who using her thriftiness and was able to send 45 boxes this year for $45.00. That is amazing and inspirational. Here is a link to the video. She has awesome tips! Thanks Karen for the heads up!!
Tomorrow is the send off deadline. If you haven't been a part of OCC, then maybe you will consider it next year.

Here is a look at our box of what we chose to send:

The boys chose to give the goodies to another boy. We filled it up with items from my gift closet that I collect throughout the year. Here is the list of items: a clock with batteries, ornament filled with candy, Gumball machine, Snoopy journal, Puffs Kleenex, mini sized shampoo, conditioner, and body soap, crayons, a stuffed bear, and a set of play dough. We also included a picture of the boys and our address.
Before we closed the box, we took the time to pray for the young boy who would receive this gift, that his heart would be filled with joy and love. I am already looking forward to filling more shoe boxes next year!


  1. Good job on the shoe boxes...we do that too. and i have a gift closet too. I have so many treasures in there.

  2. We have also done this project in years past with our church. We love the concept behind the project. We also love to think of the kids face that gets the package. Your boys did a great job, some little boy will be very lucky.
    Have a great day!

  3. Great minds think alike. I was planning to do an Operation Christmas Child post this week. :) It's such a fun project! Thanks for the visit. :)

  4. Oh sweetie, our church has been talking about this and we are new to it. We are gonna have to get going and try to get one done. Your boys are so cute!

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. We do those too how great to share the love of giving with your children!

    Looked like so good stuff in there!


  7. Love that!! Our church did the OCC this year too!!



    here is the video of the lady who packed 45 boxes for $45. :o)

  9. Hi! I responded to your comment on my blog, but thought I would post it here, too. :o)

    Hi, Rhonda! OCC featured her video on its Facebook page--that's where I saw it. When you mentioned it, I remembered her video. :o) Loved your post. So glad you were able to participate this year--we just love OCC around here.

    P.S. Here is a post I wrote last year about how to fill boxes on a budget ... have a great night!

  10. How great! I am going to check out that link! I love that idea!

    I hope you are doing well my friend! Are you doing Thanksgiving at your house? I am having it here - I spent most of today working on getting things together. I think it will be so fun!

    I also wanted you to know that I haven't forgotten about your necklace. I have it almost finished. I just have to put the epoxy top layer on and then let it set for a couple of days. I should be able to send it out on Friday.

    I hope you have a wonderful Thanksgiving!


  11. I hope you have a wonderful Thanksgiving!



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