Thursday, July 2, 2009

Photo Tag

The sweet, adorable Kim over at Caldwell Cuties tagged me for this fun photo game!

The Rules:

1) Go to your photo files…Select the 6th photo folder.

2) Select the 6th photo in that folder.

3) Post that photo along with the story behind it.

4) Then challenge 5 blog friends to do the same!

Here is my photo:

The story: We just got home from a night of Cameron's T-ball game last summer. (08) Apparently we stopped for pizza on the way home. I remember Cameron asking to take a picture. Of course we both, being one, let our silly side come out!

I love how the lawn needs to be mowed, the trash taken out, and my little Caden peeking from behind the bush. (probably wondering if mommy turned into a monster since I was trying to eat daddy.) Life at the Masons!

Come on gals show us what ya got! Tag you are it!

Lela at Carefully Controlled Chaos

Kasey at All That is Good

Macey at Living in France

Jen at Tatertots and Jello

Jennifer at Maybe it was Memphis


I was looking through some drafts and almost forgot about another photo tag. I was tagged back a couple of weeks ago by Vivienne at The V Spot. Sorry it took so long!

Vivenne also tagged me in a photo tag! It is a different folder and picture.

Rules of the tag:

1) Open my first photo folder.

2) Scroll down to the 10th photo.

3) Post that photo and story on my blog.

4) Tag five friends to do the same. Since I have already tagged five above...the same five can pic which photo tag they would like to participate in! ;o)
Here it is:

The first folder I have on this computer is from December 07. This is the 10th picture from that folder. As you can see it is Christmas time. Our Bubba came over to open his gifts. He was "thrilled" to receive a box of Pampers. Of course, that was just the box his gift was in. I'm curious why I hung on to the box so long?? Was I yearning for my baby to stay in diapers. Hmmm, nope!

Have a happy4th of July!!!


  1. Oh, that looks like everyone was having fun!

  2. Very cute! Looks like a fun day at your house!

  3. That is really cute! :)
    I'll see what I've got! :)
    Thanks for the tag... : )

  4. Totally love the photos. I am glad that we aren't the only ones to recycle boxes. Have a great Thursday!

  5. I love the silly monster pic! I do that all the time where I start drafts and then get Bloggy ADD.

  6. What cute pictures Rhonda! So fun. Thanks for the tag! I will try to do it tomorrow!

    Thanks for your cute comment on my trail pictures! I WISH that my house was the one on the trail. I have my eye on one on that street - but of course if it ever comes up for sale it will probably be way over my budget. I live about 1/4 mile away from the beginning of the trail. So I just walk over. I feel really blessed to be able to have access to it and to be able to walk to get there. I wish we lived closer together too! I just love you to death. I think you are the sweetest girl! Maybe someday we can find some way to meet in real life!


  7. Oh really hit the jackpot when you tagged me!! Check it out...


I love your comments! Thanks for taking the time to leave them here! :D