Friday, June 26, 2009

Funny Friday...Show Off!

Wednesday, the boys had some friends come over for the day. They had a great day together, and had a lot of fun. I got out the snow cone machine and the boys enjoyed a snow cone on the front porch.
The best kind of friend is the one you could sit on a porch with, never saying a word, and walk away feeling like that was the best conversation you've had. ~Author Unknown

Next thing we know we see a boy on a four wheeler going down the road (no helmet) on his two back tires. I mentioned how he was 'showing off', and how that was dangerous.

Today, Cameron came up with this adorable and funny picture that reminded me of that 'showing off' incident. The bird in the tree is saying, "show off." The one diving head first says, "I don't care". When he falls he says, "ouch". We are all guilty of "showing off" at times...just like the bird that says "ouch". Do you have a funny story about someone showing off? Has showing off...back fired for you?


  1. Smart kid!
    My husband was showing off once and pretending to fall down. He actually fell, did the splits (ouch!) and hit his head on a sink.
    Now he says he did it all "on purpose." Sure.

  2. Love the quote under the boys photo. The picture of the birds is just so cute.
    Hope you have a great weekend!

  3. What a fun day! I loved summer when friends would come over and my mom would pull something special out for our day! Way to go MOM!

  4. I want a snow cone maker. How fun!!! And funny picture!

    How are things my friend? I hope you are having a great summer so far. It sounds like you are!


  5. Hi Rhonda. Yes, we do live in Arkansas. We live in Berryville. And yes, I do know Kasey, well. We attend church together and our children are near the same age. She has really cute kids.
    Where do ya'll live?

  6. What a cute pic he made- I would say that he definitely "gets" it!!!!!!



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