Friday, May 15, 2009

Funny Friday...Hired a window cleaner....

That's right. I'm tired of cleaning windows! I cleaned the windows in the dining room and the master bedroom. I'm done. I decided I would hire someone else to clean them!! I decided to catch my hired help on camera! What a cutie he is!

My beautiful white cat...looks a little dingy...okay dirty... yes, he is! His new favorite place to lay is in my big pot that is waiting to be planted. He curls up in the dirt!!!


  1. That is very funny! Got to love the help from pets!

  2. Too funny!

    Have a great weekend, Rhonda!

  3. such a cutie! i just love kitties!

    have a fabulous weekend!

  4. Oh my that really your cat?? SO cute that you caught him on tape doing that. Secretly, I was thinking we were going to get a pic of a hot guy cleaning your windows!!!


  5. How funny is that. I am so with you on hating to clean windows. I would hire someone to clean them if it didn't cost so much. Thanks for sharing the laugh. Have a great day!


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