Friday, April 3, 2009

Funny Fridays

I love to laugh! This man makes me laugh...Tim Hawkins is a christian comedian.

Proverbs 17:22 says, "A joyful heart is good medicine..." We all need a dose of good medicine and joyful hearts! We all should laugh more! So cheers to funny people!

Be sure and turn off my Ipod near the bottom.

Happy Friday!


  1. That was funny, thanks for suppling my morning laugh!

  2. Oh Rhonda - thanks for the laugh. I needed it today!!!

    I like your Friday theme -- very cool! Have fun tonight!


  3. Rhonda, I just stopped by from the LPM blog. I enjoyed my visit and just wanted to tell you that I appreciate your Christian testimony and love for the Lord. You are a very encouraging person. God bless you for being a stay at home mom.

    In Christ,


  4. Very funny! Thanks for sharing.

    BTW...way to go with your weight loss and exercise plan!

  5. Thanks, I needed a good laugh today! This was so funny and I really like the Friday theme. Hope you have a wonderful weekend!

  6. hey girl! Super funny stuff! and speaking of funny the blue water in your toilet and the pee (yellow) making green is funny! I might have to show my 4 year old that!

    I might have to give the green smoothie out too! and you should try the channel Fit TV out for some exercise programs. they have some really good ones! I like Cardio Blast (1 hr long) and In Shape (30 minutes) there is also a Yoga (30min) I like too! Have a great weekend!

  7. Tim Hawkins is a RIOT!!!

    Thanks for the laugh!

    Have a great weekend.


  8. Thanks for the great laugh! Its suppose to get cold here on Tuesday I hope its the last cold front we have...


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