Monday, April 13, 2009

Friend Makin' Monday's Time for Advice!

It is time for FMM over at Kasey's. If you want to join in click here. I have made many friends through guys are the best. Thanks for the kind words, encouragement, and comments that brighten my day!

This weeks challenge is to answer the following question:

What is the Best Advice someone has ever given you?

I have to say that I have been given a lot of good advice over the years. Some stick and some I seem to forget. Here are a few that come to mind.

1. There are so many people living in fear! Especially during this trying time of crisis in our country and world. Fear of the economy, fear of the unkown, fear of the future, Fear of fear itself! We all deal with it at one time or another. I have dealt with panic attacks and depression in the past. I know what fear can do to a person. This advice came from my pastor: Fear is not of God. Fear can cripple you, strangle you....don't live in fear! Something he said really stuck with me... FEAR is...

F- false
E- evidence that
A- appears
R- real

We have to remember God is in control! To take a few deep breaths and breathe!

2. Some other advice I have finally learned is to get out from behind the camera. I tend to take all the pictures in the family. There are very few pictures of me with my boys. I tell myself I have to look a certain way to get my picture taken. I never look the way I want to, so I'm never in the pictures. Advice: Get out from behind the camera! You don't want your kids to look back and wonder why you are not in the picture or was she with us? God forbid something happen to you...( will some day) there will be no pictures to help remember mom. Pictures create memories. So, for all of you behind the camera...join the family. You don't have to look perfect to have a beautiful photo!

What great advice or pearl of wisdom do you have to offer?
I hope everyone had a blessed Easter! Have a terrific week ahead!


  1. AWW- Rhonda, I loved your second piece of advice and it will be one I take to heart. I am always the one holding the camera and never get in a picture-

    Thanks so much for the reminder. I hope you have a wonderful week!


  2. I have learned that all I have to do is ask my DH to take my picture, he is always willing he just doesn't think of it on ios own. I guess it's kinda like the changing of the toilet paper roll!

  3. Great, great advice!!! I am never in pictures, my hubby doesn't think to take them, and I always do! I have to remember that one! You are adorable! Have a great night!


  4. Great advice Rhonda! I think it is so easy to let fear take control of your life. And also great advice about taking pictures. So important! After my dad passed away I went through my files looking for pictures with him in it and there were very few. It made me so sad.

    Thanks for the wise words my friend!


  5. Both were great pieces of advice. Thanks for sharing.

  6. Thank you for stopping by....and what great advice. i wrote it down and stuck it on my bathroom mirror. thank you!

  7. Great advice, especially about taking pictures. I keep telling my husband I want to hire a live-in photographer just to follow our family around a capture our "moments" -- someone (usually me) always has to be behind the camera and misses out!

  8. Thanks for sharing. Especially get out from behind the camera! I always want to wait til I've lost weight to be in pictures. You've put it in a great perspective for me, and I'm going to try to keep my children in mind more and be included in their pictures!

  9. Wonderful advice! I really needed to hear the advice about get out from behind the camera! I have photos of me and the boys that were professional done but the everyday photos are missing the mommy. Thanks for the wake up call. Have a blessed Monday!

  10. Love the second piece of advice. It is so true though and I know I have really made it a point to let others take pictures of me with my children or even just pictures of me by myself.

    Your first piece of advice is so true as well. I have also struggled with the same issues but I wonder how much of that has to do with our family? I know so many that struggle.

  11. Great Advice! I asked the hubby to take my picture the other day and it was a disaster! the picture was black and dark and blurry! I need a less complicated camera if I'm going to let other use it I guess (he,he)!

    Have a great day!

  12. Thanks so much for stopping bye me blog!!

    Here's another gem from the wisdom of my dad.
    He also said if you were in a room with a bunch of people and everyone put their problems into the center of the room for all to see, you can be sure that you'd take your own problems back and run.

  13. This is great advice. My husband told me long ago "never make a decision based on fear" and living by that principle has literally changed the course of my life (everything from where we live in Asia to how many kids we have to how we make ends meet) This is an awesome piece of advice; thanks for sharing.

  14. Both of those are really great pieces of advice! Fear can definitely keep us from doing what we're meant to be doing. I love the acronym for what fear stands for.

    Hope you have a great day!!

  15. God is absolutel in control!

    thanks for the sweet comment!

  16. I've tagged you to participate in this great blog meme, called Only Eight! Stop by my blog to find out how to play.


  17. I wanted to let you know that I have tagged you for a fun flashback game. I hope you will join in.
    Have a blessed day!

  18. Love your advice, Rhonda! I have to keep reminding my husband to take the camera every now and then. Sometimes he just doesn't remember to get a snapshot of me and the kids. Duh!! I'm always taking pics of him and the kids.

    Great advice on resisting FEAR...we all need a little dose of that!

  19. That second piece of advice is so true! We have barely any pictures of my (now deceased) dad bc he was always behind the camera. I wish there was more.

    I'm one of those people that have to force myself to get in the pic no matter what I look like LOL


I love your comments! Thanks for taking the time to leave them here! :D