Monday, July 6, 2009

How Does My Garden Grow?

Our garden has come a long way from these baby plants.....

We have gathered some cucumbers, 4 jalapeno peppers (for homemade salsa), variety of lettuce, and 1 zucchini. Looking forward to the tomatoes, bell peppers (green, yellow, and red), beans, corn, watermelon, and pumpkins! I love how we have decided not to use any pesticides on our garden. Love fresh garden food and spending time as a family in the garden!


  1. Mary, Mary, how does your garden grow?
    It's purty!

  2. Hi Rhonda!

    Your garden looks AWESOME!!! I can't believe how fast it's growing! I haven't harvested anything out of mine yet. I have a few things that are growing. I think the cold, rainy weather in June made things grow slower (maybe).

    I hope you are having a great day my friend with your cute kids! I have both of my sisters in town. We are having a great time with baby Hudson. Have a wonderful night!


  3. Fresh salsa is a highlight for me of the summer. So yummy

  4. Wow ,girl you guys have a green thumb! Now thats a garden,you should be proud of!!!!!!!!!!!

    P.s. You have a awesome blog!
    Janie,and the girls.Bye

  5. Your garden ROCKS!! I have always wanted to have a garden, but it is just too hot here and the soil is horrible for it, and I definitely do not have a green thumb...all excuses I know.....


  6. Great job, looks like we need to come down for some fresh AR fruits and veggies!


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