1) My favorite book is: The Bible...striving to read it all the way through this year.

2) I drive a: Black Lincoln LS

3) My favorite type of food to eat is: Mexican

4) My favorite dessert is: A really good, fluffy cheesecake with strawberries and chocolate on top!

5) My favorite movie is: I love movies, hmm hard to pick...I can tell you the ones I don't like...scary movies.

6) When I go to Starbucks I get a: Whiff of a yummy smell...love it, but no taste. No coffee + no soft drinks. I know I am a weirdo!

7) My favorite vegetable is: broccoli

8) My favorite thing to wear is: a great pair of jeans and a black t-shirt with my favorite winter accessory...scarf.

9) My favorite color is: red

10) I decorate my house in this style: I would say traditional. I have a lot of black furniture.

11) Right now I am reading: Dave Ramsey's Total Money Makeover....highly recommend.

12) If I could vacation anywhere I would go to: Hawaii...as long as there is a beach...that's where I want to be. Waiting patiently on getting a beach body!

Hi, I'm Leah! Enjoyed reading your list. Love the Bible, Hawaii and scarves too. :)
Thanks for visiting...
Hawaii is great!
I love the ever s fashionable and trendy scarf too! It's actually been cold enough here in Florida to wear them lately!
Have a great Monday!
your sons' blog is very cute. i'll have to show it to my daughter. :)
HI Rhonda! Thanks for following!! I love broccoli, too. It's been my favorite veggie since I was a kid.
Hi Rhonda! I am stopping over from Kasey's. Great list. I don't drink coffee either. I wish I could give up on soda drinks too! I love your header picture - so cute! Hawaii is great - I wish I were there right now!
Thanks for letting me stop by!
Stopping over from Friend Makin Monday! My husband and I received Total Money Makeover as a wedding gift. I have yet to read it but hopefully soon!
Thanks for letting me stop by!
Rhonda, Your post on my blog made me laugh. Thanks. I do not like hot drinks so no coffee, but cannot resist the yummy blended drinks. Enjoy the evening!
I don't like scary movies either...they give my (already excellent) imagination too much to work with!
Nice to meet you. I don't like scary movies any more since I had kids! Weird huh!
I really love your verse in your header! I reflect on those words often and they have truly gotten me through some stormy times! Your blog is so cute, thank you for visiting mine I love comments :)
Thanks for stopping in and checking out my blog. I also think your is really neat, and loved your list. We had so much in common from the mexican food to the blue jeans and in between. Can't wait to read more about your wonderful family.
Rhonda, Thanks so much for becoming a follower of my blog! It's so good to learn a little bit about you...that's why I really like Friend Makin' Mondays!! I can relate that I don't care for scary movies either...they freak me out!! What a beautiful thing for you to say the Bible is one of your favorite books...
Yeah for broccoli!! and scarves!! (I don't get to wear them much in AZ, but the love is still there!!
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